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Re: Word Construction for a New Conlang

From:Eric Christopherson <raccoon@...>
Date:Friday, July 9, 1999, 19:44
On Thu, 08 Jul 1999, Nik Taylor wrote:
> Barry Garcia wrote: > > I'm thinking of using the Lang Maker software to produce the sound changes > > =). I obtained the "fix" for it and now i can use the program. This should > > give me more consistent sound changes than what i have been doing so > > far..... > > I've found Phono more useful than Langmaker for sound changes, since it > allows you to specify *types*, such as "syllable-final stops become > fricatives" (well, a little more complicated than that). I forgot where > I found it, but you could probably do a search on Yahoo.
I've found the address. It's -- Eric Christopherson