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Re: First Message

From:Matthew Pearson <matthew.pearson@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 31, 2001, 4:07
--- You wrote:
Hello.  This is my first message to the list--I just
signed on, so right now I don't know too much about the
topics of conversation.  I just heard about this group
from one of your members (the inventor of Teonaht) and
figured I should check it out.  I have to admit I
haven't invented any languages to date (besides an
attempt at an alphabet/phonetic system in high school,
which I gave up when I took my first college
linguistics class and discovered that the systematic
phonetic similarities that I "discovered" were only
*part* of the first phonetics lesson), but I have
plenty of ideas, and I am thrilled that if I were to
create a language in the future, I might have an
audience that could appreciate it.
--- end of quote ---

Welcome, John! I hope you enjoy this list.

Don't feel too discouraged/disappointed by your alphabetic invention experience; the
fact that you had even though about phonetic issues *at all* prior to taking a
linguistics course is impressive. Perhaps this list will inspire you, as it has
me, to try some more ambitious projects.

Say hi to Sally!


Matt Pearson
Department of Linguistics
Reed College
3203 SE Woodstock Blvd
Portland, OR 97202 USA
ph:  503-771-1112 (x 7618)