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Re: Currency, watermelons

From:Jonathan Chang <zhang2323@...>
Date:Wednesday, September 6, 2000, 1:15
In a message dated 2000:09:05 6:08:15 PM, hsteoh@QUICKFUR.YI.ORG writes:

>Just wondering... anybody's conlang/conculture *doesn't* have currency >involved? Not that a money-less world is particularly plausible, but I >wonder if people have actually explored that direction in conlanging / >conculturing. And I'm talking about alternative trading systems, and not >just elementary stuff like bartering. Just thought it'd be neat if >somebody thought of some conculture somewhere that uses something other >than currency for trading... or perhaps a culture that isn't based on >trading? Just wondering...
In my ConCulture of Autonomia Isola Verde, besides barter there is gift-exchanging (a tradition from the Iban & Dyak tribes that influenced Isola Verde's anarchistic tendencies in the 20th century). This seems to make a working grass-roots form of a socialist welfare-state. "You look like you need this... you want this? Give me something when I need something..." No one becomes rich at the expense of the collective... It's all or nothing, sink or swim together. (I hafta translate these into Caos Pidgin sometime...) czHANg