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Re: CHAT: browsers

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Friday, February 7, 2003, 13:04
En réponse à John Cowan <cowan@...>:

> > Actually, there is also Phoenix (for Windows and Linux) and K-Meleon > (for > Windows only). Both are Mozilla-technology, but considerably faster > and > cleaner.
Maybe I'll try K-Meleon. Phoenix looks like a mess to install...
> > K-Meleon is not XUL-based, but uses native widgets exclusively, but > still > with Gecko layout. It does appear to be a branch -- it uses "layers" > instead of tabs, but the effect is the same, only the visual metaphor > differs. >
Hehe, I wish IE could use tabs too. Just one question: how does K-Meleon with Symbol fonts? I know that Netscape and Mozilla can't readily use them, so I guess neither can Phoenix and K-Meleon... That's perhaps the only thing that makes me stick with IE (and I need to be able to read symbol fonts :(( ).
> > > >
Thanks for the links! Actually, I like Opera 7 (except that the ads will appear after 15 days if I don't register, but if it's like Opera 6 the adds are so small it's not much of a problem). I surf faster on it than on IE. The only problem may be that it doesn't have an animated icon like IE and Netscape have to indicate that it's currently working, so you never know if it has difficulties reaching a page or if it's simply stalled. But until now it didn't stall at any page... But one feature I like most is to be able to google for anything by just putting "g Something" on the address bar ;))) (I know you can configure Netscape/Mozilla to do the same, and IE has also a search engine on the address bar, but that's just not the same ;)) . With Opera, *any* search engine is reachable like that - and that's also how you do inline search, with "f" instead of "g" :)) ). If Opera was not behaving so strange with my emails, I would switch immediately to it as main browser. Christophe. Take your life as a movie: do not let anybody else play the leading role.