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Re: Valentine's Day Translations

From:Garrett <alkaline@...>
Date:Sunday, February 14, 1999, 22:09
In malat, one of the few sentences possible (i have barely any vocabulary):

ol nesev ula.
[I love you.]

ol = I
n-s = liking
-e- = verb
-ev = to a high degree
u- = focus of the action
la = you

note: pronouns have more than one form - 'I' can be 'ol' or 'lo', and 'you'
can be 'al' or 'la'. the form that is used depends on the situation, such
as which sounds better, if there's a prefix, etc.
-Time is what keeps everything from happening at once.

-Garrett Jones aka Alkaline
Rising Sun - C&C2: Tiberian Sun -
Malat -