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Re: USAGE: Language revival

From:Charles <catty@...>
Date:Wednesday, November 24, 1999, 21:46
Patrick Dunn wrote:

> I like the irregularity, the difficulty, and the strangeness of > our language. It makes such wonderful poetic tricks possible. > > It's why I got turned off of Glosa. I couldn't write a decent poem in it. > (Same with Esperanto, although that had some promise) Too damned orderly. : Somni, dulce somni : Natura moli kura-fe, kom mi pa sti tu anti : ke tu pa sto kata mi oku-teg : e los mi este in oblivio Glosa has enough unstressed little grammatical Words to achieve an English-like poetic Rhythm, I believe; and one could likely coerce it to appear quite brutal, except that all Auxlangers have such gentle Natures. Again, the Capitalization of common Nouns would help.