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Re: Telling time (wasRe: The English/French counting system (WAS:number systems fromconlangs))

From:John Cowan <cowan@...>
Date:Friday, September 19, 2003, 11:24
Isaac Penzev scripsit:

> it's too difficult to keep sabbath restrictions two days in line :)
Specifically, IIRC, you get a problem with unburied bodies for all that time. -- John Cowan I must confess that I have very little notion of what [s. 4 of the British Trade Marks Act, 1938] is intended to convey, and particularly the sentence of 253 words, as I make them, which constitutes sub-section 1. I doubt if the entire statute book could be successfully searched for a sentence of equal length which is of more fuliginous obscurity. --MacKinnon LJ, 1940