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Re: OT: Two countries separated by a common language

From:Tim May <butsuri@...>
Date:Monday, May 19, 2003, 17:54
Peter Bleackley wrote at 2003-05-19 09:45:22 (+0100)
 > Staving Tristan McLeay:
 > >Australia. Specifically Victoria, but I've never heard anyone mention a
 > >difference in it between states, unlike, say, /gr&f/ vs /gra:f/[1], or
 > >peanut butter vs peanut paste. (I once made a reference to a Terry
 > >Pratchett book in which there was a scone of stone. I pronounced scone
 > >with a long o, so it would rhyme with stone, because that sounds better
 > >and was no doubt the intention. The people I was talking to did not
 > >understand me, even though they knew I was talking about the book (I've
 > >forgotten its title) and they'd read it.)
 > "The Fifth Elephant". It's dedicated to me.
 > Pete
So it is.  I read that dedication just a few days ago, and I didn't
notice the name.