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Re: OT: Two countries separated by a common language

From:Tristan McLeay <kesuari@...>
Date:Saturday, May 17, 2003, 14:27
Mark J. Reed wrote:

>I've never heard "peanut paste" before. >
You could try Googling :) (I've only heard it in practice on the net, (forums, IRC and other ungooglable places), but I haven't strayed outside of the areas that call it peanut butter, which includes Melbourne and Sydney, so any Australian-made television will use peanut butter.)
>Besides, isn't Australian for peanut butter "Vegemite"? :) >
No, vegemite is Australian for nutella :) (Though I wouldn't try eating them the same way... nutella and cheese sounds like a rather revolting idea, nor would one want to use too much vegemite. Or putting nutella in bolognese sauce...)
>>[1]: In Melbourne, most people say /gr&f/ and /gra:f/ is perceived as a >>Sydneysiderism or an Adelaidianism. Apparently in Sydney, they think we >>say /gra:f/ here. So much for impressions. >> >> > >Ah, but do they actually say [gra:f] in Sydney, or do they say [gr&f] and >regard [gra:f] as a Victorianism/Melbournism? :) > >
I understand they regard /gra:f/ as a Melbournism. Admittedly, I say /t&l@gra:f/ and /p&r@gra:f/, but I only do that in compounds, and I don't know where I picked it up from, because just about everyone else uses /-gr&f/. -- Tristan <kesuari@...>


Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Wesley Parish <wes.parish@...>