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Re: OT: Two countries separated by a common language

From:Adam Walker <carrajena@...>
Date:Saturday, May 17, 2003, 13:20
--- "Mark J. Reed" <markjreed@...> wrote:
> > That is true here, too, for the unadorned term > "muffin". However, > "English muffins" are an entirely different beast > from "muffins". > I have no idea where English muffins got the name, > but they're not > muffinlike at all. > -Mark
True. I've always thought English muffins looked more like what mom used to do with left over biscuits. The next morning shed slice them in half and re-bake/toast them with butter. So I've always thought of English muffins as low-quality twice-baked biscuits. Of course I've never had English-English muffins or fresh made anywhere-English muffins, only frozen-in-little-bag-who-knows-how-old-from-the-grocery-store ones. Adam