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Sign language

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Monday, September 14, 1998, 4:46
Pablo Flores wrote:
> Does anybody have a list of creoles, or links > to pages about them? I found the subject extremely interesting. > So far I've only heard of Tok Pisin (a bit) and Jopara, a Spanish-Guarani > creole spoken in Paraguay.
I don't have a list, but I do have a very interesting language to share. I read about it in a book entitled "Contact Languages: A Wider Perspective", Vol. 17 of the Creole Language Library This language is called "Media Lengua". It's essentially Quechua with all the root words replaced by Spanish words. For example: Quechua: Shuk fabur-da man~a-nga-bu shamu-xu- ni ML: Unu fabur-ta pidi- nga-bu bini- xu- ni One favor-ACC ask- NOM-BEN come- PROG-1 I come to ask a favor. Unu < uno Fabur < favor Pidi < Pedi(r) Bini < Veni(r) In this case, Media Lengua is more conservative than Quechua when it comes to the accusative ending, originally Quechua always used -ta, but now it's -da after certain consonants. Kuyi- buk yirba nuwabi- shka Kuyi- buk k'iwa illa- shka Cavia-Ben grass There turns out to be no grass for the cavias _Kuyi_ has also been borrowed into the local Spanish. Note the form _nuwabi_ < _no habe(r)_. It was formed by people who, apparantly, were fluent in both languages, but were in a middle-position culturally, they had abandoned their traditional ways of life, and so were no longer fully Indian, nor were they Hispanic, and their language therefore reflects that. It helps that Quechua's an agglutinative language. The syntax of Media Lengua is still mostly the same as Quechua, but there are a few influences from Spanish. -- "God is dead" -- Nietzsche "Nietzsche is dead" -- God