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Is there any derivatives of heinleins "gulf" language speedtalk?

From:Dav Newq <tomujin@...>
Date:Wednesday, July 6, 2005, 18:19
Is there any derivatives of heinleins "gulf" language speedtalk?

here is a short description taken from the internet and
heinleins "gulf"

I am more intersested with the potentials of a speedtalk like
language.In heinleins gulf:

--1 speed talk word = 1 normal sentence

--modifiers that indicate category of relation same words mean
different depending on modifier

-- by using a 60 base number system,and then prefacing certian words
with one of these numbers a pool of 215,999 words 1 less than the
cube of 60 were available for specialized meaning without more than
4 letters most could be pronounced in 1 syllable.adding 1 more
letter added 13 million more words most could still be pronounced in
one syllable

-- the use of speedtalk made the mind more efficient ,thought
processes faster speaking nearly as fast as one could think.

--an association time 3* as fast as a normal man,enables
manipulation of symbols 7* faster than english,7 * 3 = 21 a new man
had an effective life of 1600 years when calculated with respect to
the flow of ideas

--does not contain noun things and verb things,it contains spacce
time events and relationships between them .

 Here's a description of an imaginary language from the Robert
 Heinlein story Gulf. I consider this a perfect example of
science fiction as a literature of ideas. Not only does it transmit
the idea of inventing a language (with a few variations that make it
different than, say, Esperanto), it also hints at the idea of a
hierarchical language and the distinction between words and reality.
And that's just a small part of the story—it's mainly focused onthe
idea of the genetic superman.Anyway, here's the part about the
imaginary language.

Long before, Ogden and Richards had shown that eight hundred and
 fifty words were sufficient vocabulary to express anything that
could be expressed by "normal" human vocabularies, with the aid
of a handful of special words—a hundred odd—for each special field,
such as horse racing or ballistics. About the same time phoneticians
had analyzed all human tongues into about a hundred-odd sounds,
represented by the letters of a general phonetic alphabet.
 On these two propositions Speedtalk was based.

 To be sure, the phonetic alphabet was much less in number than
the words in Basic English. But the letters representing sound in
the phonetic alphabet were each capable of variation several
different ways—length, stress, pitch, rising, falling. The more
trained an ear was the larger the number of possible variations;
there was no limit to variations, but, without much refinement of
accepted phonetic practice, it was possible to establish a one-to-
one relationship with Basic English so that one phonetic symbol was
equivalent to an entire word in a "normal" language, one Speedtalk
word was equal to an entire sentence.

 An economical language cannot be limited to a thousand words;
 although almost every idea can be expressed somehow in a short
 vocabulary, higher orders of abstraction are convenient. For
 technical words Speedtalk employed an open expansion of sixty of the
 thousand-odd phonetic letters. They were the letters ordinarily
used as numerals; by preceding a number with a letter used for no
other purpose, the symbol was designated as having a word value.

It's not stated explicitly, but I think it's a small step from
the idea of numbered words to the idea that the sequence of digits
might be a hierarchy, with, say, the first digit indicating the
appropriate special field.