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Re: The rest of my profile (Re: The profile of a conlanger)

From:Irina Rempt-Drijfhout <ira@...>
Date:Friday, October 29, 1999, 21:17
On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, Mia Soderquist wrote:

> Well, here the latest version of the Mia bio:
I'll just tack on to this...
> female,
Me too!
> bi,
Me too, but very strongly and happily married - call myself a practising heterosexual.
> right-handed,
Me too! Started out ambidextrous, but broke my left arm in the summer before I went to school; still tend to catch things with my left hand.
> dark haired,
Mousy mid-brown, usually dyed slightly red, always darker than I think it is.
> married (w/5 kids,
Married with 3 daughters.
> housewife,
Part-time housewife, part-time translator, full-time mother.
> Pagan,
Orthodox Christian, one-seventh of the church choir, maintainer of parish web page, taking a theology course.
> animal lover (particularly rodents and small > exotics),
Well, we have cats, or rather cats have us.
> skeptical of the whole auxlang thing (but still > interested in the languages themselves because they are > languages),
Slightly so; I think auxlangs are a waste of effort.
> constantly starting new languages but only really > working very hard on one (ea-luna).
I've only done one other language than Valdyan, I don't want to start new languages because they'll take up time and energy that I'd rather use for other things; pity about cool features like ergativity though, I don't want to put that into Valdyan now it's settled into a pattern.
> I did a little D&D in high > school, but haven't done any RPGing since then (except for online > games like Ultima Online and EverQuest, which don't count in the > least).
I play a lot of role-playing games, mostly our homebrew system in Valdyas and Charya but also a "classic" originally Dutch system called Queeste which has classes and levels and everything; it's fun!
> I do read sci-fi and fantasy, but my reading preferences > are for non-fiction first and then fantasy, with sci-fi coming in > after that.
I used to read anything that contained letters, but now I read Diana Wynne Jones and some other favourites, novels and non-fiction from the library, and hardly any fantasy and SF any more.
> I am an avid conculture builder. I have several > cultures going in my mind at any given time.
Valdyas is my only serious conculture, but it's very involved.
> I may turn out to be > a writer some day when I have more time and can afford to buy > myself a sense of organization and a few paragraph breaks. :)
I wanted to be a writer once but I can't stand other people telling me what to write, and anyway I don't write anything except role-playing adventures these days.
> All that, and INFP too!
ENFP; I can't for the life of me imagine that I'd ever be "I", I'm too much of a Tigger for that (though having all those kids should make me a Kanga)
> You can see a picture of me at the first URL in my .sig. I am in > the first pic with Lilia on my lap. :)
If you want to see my kids at various ages, go to their web page (accessible from mine) - holiday pictures coming soon. Irina Varsinen an laynynay, saraz no arlet rastynay. (myself) (English) (Nederlands)