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Re: 1st, 2nd, 3rd - 4th person POV??

From:David Peterson <thatbluecat@...>
Date:Friday, September 24, 2004, 18:18
[You know, if I don't know someone's name, then I can't find it out, because
use AOL.   All other mail services give you the person's name after the
but not AOL.]

J. Mach Wust wrote:

<<Something similar but far more complex can be observed in sign languages. I
don't know up to how many 'parties' they could reference simultaneously, but
it's much more than in spoken language.>>

The number of parties that can be referenced is limited by physical,
not theoretical concerns.   In other words, ASL is built to be able to
list an infinite number of parties, just as in English (or any language),
the longest sentence is infinitely long (e.g., "My friend's cousin's pet's
master's sister's uncle's grandpa's wife's daughter's cousin's...").   What
you do is you start out listing people from your left (if you're right-
handed), usually by name, and as you list more people you go to your
right in a semi-circle.   Then, as you talk, when you use a third person
pronoun (a third person pronoun is achieved by pointing to anything
other than yourself or the person you're talking to), you point to the
area that you listed the person's name in.   It'd be like if everyone was
born with their own pronoun.   (Hey, there's an idea.   Where's the
fantasy-writing people?   I society where when a child is born, it's given
a name, and its very own pronoun, with which all most refer to it by.)

Incidentally, regarding the topic of POV in writing, Tom Robbins wrote
a book all in 2nd person.   It's called Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas, and is
one of my favorites by him.   Here's an Amazon link:

Ooh, maybe you shouldn't go there.   Apparently nobody likes this book...
Geez, and everybody liked Villa Incognito?!   You've got to be kidding me...

"sunly eleSkarez ygralleryf ydZZixelje je ox2mejze."
"No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn."

-Jim Morrison