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Re: Some sentences.

Date:Monday, October 9, 2006, 17:21
> I set myself some sentences to translate today. Maybe they will be > useful exercise for you too?
> 1.I did my best to talk Derek into coming.
mo boniti prov motivif li derxk tukin. 1p good+SUPERLATIVE+ADJ attempt motive+CAUSE NAME Derek at+go.
> 2.They did nothing to help out.
lo mi no dob. 3p before nothing help.
> 3.We had a good dinner last night.
molo jes boni jesare kronu mi timo. we.EXCL eat good food time-of before darkness.
> 4.They had a lot of money from their father.
lo mi hav menisi dan mu pap ju lo.
> 5.They were let in for free.
lo pasa hinukin nu fudono. 3p allow+PASSIVE inside+go without to+gift.
> 6.I was allowed to go home early.
mo pasa rani kin fu domo. 1p allow+PASSIVE early go to reside+MANIFESTATION.
> the cat chased the dog.
kat mi jag kanin. cat before chase canine.