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Two YANCs: Para-British

From:Vasiliy Chernov <bc_@...>
Date:Monday, June 5, 2000, 15:18
First, text samples.


Veder ouwer, Þouw þ'art an sheavenom, bie behällowd ze name
Þine, coom þet Ritch Þine, bie ze will Þine, houw þ'an þem
sheaven, zame an þer yerþ; þon daylidgen floaf ouwern yiff
ouzom to-day, and vorleet ouzom þor yeldinghen ur houw þ'eck
we vorleet' stom yelderm ouwerm, and ne leed ouz naught in
þo vonding, ac bevry ouz vram þem voken. Vorþy Þine iz þet
Kengdom, þet weeld, and þet woaldor, þes Veders, þes Zoons,
and þets Höllin Varfs, nouw, and vor eever, and in eechoden
þor eechoden. Amen.

_Oidingese_ (g = [dZ]):

Noster Pars, el sùver lis cheels, peert se sainticker el Tus
nooms, venner el Tus Rimes, et esser la Ta völlonts, sit
sùver lo cheel, juth sùver la tar; lun noster pane jurnal
pret dees nees wy, et remetes nees las nosters dets sit et
nouw remetens lis nosters dettors, et noul encundure nous en
lan tentishon, seth pret relìvers nous del mällin. Quay
Touws est el Rimes, et la pousts, et la gloyer, lis Par, lis
File, et lis Spirit Saint, nunc, et semper, et en yeefs lur
yeefer. Amen.

 *  *  *

Para-British is a provisional name for a group of conlangs I’ve been
developing lately. They are mainly inspired by English.

More precisely, the relations between them and English resemble those
between Brithenig and Welsh. Para-British langs imitate the phonetic
evolution of English from Late Middle English period to modern time,
but have a different origin. They descend from Latin, Old Norse, and
some deviant dialects of Old English.

Practically same as in English are their phonetic systems (slightly
idealized, and sometimes allowing for sound combinations that could
not have emerged in English) and orthographies (with a few
disambiguating conventions added).

Kench descends from the Kentish dialect of Old English, and Oidingese
represents the Romance Para-British langs. The development is supposed
to be quite naturalistic. As with the rest of Para-British, the
lexification problem is settled, in principle, once and forever:
lexemes are either derived regularly from the words of the respective
ancestral language or borrowed from the neighbors and/or classical
tongues (the latter may include Middle Irish, but I am not sure yet;
other suggestions are welcome). In my next posting I plan to outline
the noun morphology of Kench (five cases, three genders, three

The world where Para-British langs are spoken is not too different
from ours, since all of its flora, fauna, and human inhabitants
penetrated *there* from *here* in different times.

Initially, Para-British tongues appeared as purely 'onomastic' langs
for some abandoned non-conlanging project. But very soon they
began to develop in their own way - not too rare a phenonenon ;)

To make my langs really different from English and from each other,
I'll probably need more lexification sources. Besides Middle Irish,
I thought of a more pronounced Greek influence, and of attributing the
role of classical tongues to languages like Coptic and older varieties
of Welsh. As I already mentioned, feedback is especially welcome in
this respect.

I look forward to hearing from you all,
