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Re: Verbal noun, verbnoun, deverbal noun, gerund, infinitive

Date:Thursday, October 25, 2007, 0:03
> [] On Behalf Of Eldin Raigmore
> Can anyone on this list settle the terminological disputes > raised on the thread > < > > ? > > Is there a difference between the terminology used by > linguists writing in one > language, or whose L1 is one language, versus those who write > in another > language, or whose L1 is another language? > > If you're through addressing the various terminological > disagreements, you > might also take a stab at answering the other questions raised.
Well, I don't know if I can go much further with this but this was my main rationale for not marking verbs and nouns separately in Sasxsek. There is a blue there between a verb infinitive and a gerund. For example, these two sentences essentially mean the same thing. I like to run. (infinitive) I like running. (gerund)