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Re: Dynamic vs. Stative Verbs

From:Trebor Jung <treborjung@...>
Date:Wednesday, December 1, 2004, 3:41
Dynamism to me seems to be merely a distinction, in some cases at least, of
aspect or the like; English is *not* a good "test language" for it:
know ~ learn - inceptive "begin to know"
see - accidental ~ watch, look - deliberate

So, I think more is at work here with most of these pairs than just
dynamism. Could someone more knowledgeable about such matters please try to
explain dynamism? To me, dynamism, when considering pairs like "know ~
learn", seems suspiciously like continuous action ~ inceptive action. Very
confusing... But that's probably due to my English bias. :P

(BTW, another OK example of dynamism is "be ~ become".)


Kris Kowal <cowbertvonmoo@...>
Chris Bates <chris.maths_student@...>