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From:John Cowan <jcowan@...>
Date:Tuesday, August 19, 2003, 19:37
Isidora Zamora scripsit:

> In the section on diacritics, is the underscore part of the X-SAMPA > transcription,
> BTW, what does X-SAMPA stand for?
Extended Speech Assessment Methods Phonetic Alphabet. SAMPA was devised by and for the Speech Assessment Methods project, but has seen much wider use. X-SAMPA is an upward compatible extension of it to cover the entire IPA. Most people on this list find the use of { and } in X-SAMPA annoying, and employ & for ae-ligature (X-SAMPA {). This overlaps with the use of & in X-SAMPA for OE-ligature, but this sound is rare anyhow, and a variety of ad-hoc methods are used for it. The symbols u\ and i\ are used by some in place of } and 1 respectively. It is also common to use ' instead of " for primary stress, and " or , for secondary stress. This rarely if ever conflicts with their X-SAMPA uses. [Ek's&amp@'Izn=t'pr\=fIktbVtIt'k&nbi'kwAIt'h&ndi]. -- My corporate data's a mess! John Cowan It's all semi-structured, no less. But I'll be carefree Using XSLT In an XML DBMS.