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Re: nom/accu pronouns erg/abs everything else

From:Paul Roser <pkroser@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 15, 2007, 16:12
Looking at various restatements of Milewski's Typology online, assuming that
he did specify Experiencer as one of his possibilities, he missed out on an
option that occurs in a few Caucasian languages (I think Andi is one of
them), where Experiencers are marked either as Datives or with a distinct
Affective case, separating them from Agents (Erg/Nom), Patients (Abs/Acc),
and Possessors (Gen).

It's interesting that most typologies published in the past twenty years or
so seem to focus only on Agents, Patients, and intransitive Subjects.
Pulling in possessors/ genitives/ determinants and experiencers would make
the typology much more complicated.
