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Re: Tam Lin translation exercise

From:caeruleancentaur <caeruleancentaur@...>
Date:Friday, February 17, 2006, 22:12
>Peter Bleackley per peca:
>"But at the end of seven years
anti mhus sef mhetasïo mordzosïo ena but we seven years end at
>We pay a tithe to Hell;
orgumom o demsëtam qelta; Hell to tithe pay;
>And since I am so fair and full of flesh,
mhaati mus saami gelvuscüe saami memsëruscüe esa, since I so fair-and so flesh-full-and am
>I fear 'twill be mysel'."
mus mus pos eso viiða. subj. I I fut.marker be fear consonant + h = unvoiced consonant.