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Re : Sawilan poetry

From:From Http://Members.Aol.Com/Lassailly/Tunuframe.Html <lassailly@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 19, 1999, 21:37
Silky Moonlight translated in Tunu :
(I wrote one-trill "r" as "l" and "si" as "shi" and '' separates vowels to
make it easier to read)

> SILKY MOONLIGHT > > Satin Butterfly wings,
Kupukupu ya nonapa uteya imukani ukemumu ya
> flying silently to the scarlet moon.
nepe onayuya ekengatoto welateke umeneniki yetilala.
> Her lips move silently,
Leka onapopilo ekengatoto wotasana wa
> Talking in a language only I,
Tutunu okosana oshi'opukana ititetomo
> Lavender, can understand.
yetipili itilulu.
> Sometimes I can't understand.
Panipani oni'a kana epunga'eshitunu yotusana
> Sometimes only the butterflies
Enipanipani a kupukupu ititetomo ya
> understand.
> I am always in the silky moonlight.
Eninope a niti ukeneniki imutino ukemumu ya onikana.
> Sometimes I see the veins on her.
Panipani oni'a kite otitatotu ulatala uteneniki.
> Her blood is so silver it makes her color.
Tala uteneniki ya epiliki ipineke weke'etishiro uteya.
> The moon is lonely.
Tetomo omineniki ya.
> I am her familiar.
Tomo omeya otikana.
> I feed her, clean her, take responsibility over her.
Tutumu osa'opa'a kekoto oka'opa'a kina onakana wonoya.
> People wonder how I do these things.
Suna itipiki okokana wa onutakataka.
> I myself don't know how.
Kana ya etengalone otiwa.
> I have sat so long in one spot,
Kati okowikana elapani itipuki itinoke wenimimani,
> I don't want to move.
Leka ona'osungakana.
> The moon pulls a little of my soul out of me every day.
Neniki ya etataki emeshila umikana weniniki itikatakata.
> I am slowly, not painfully, fading away.
Motonga omuyukana etipepele oku'a emingaluke.
> If you wish to be the moon's familiar,
Ori'a tana esu'etotomo omeneniki wa
> Listen to me:
Poti oti'a ekitunu otukana a:
> Don't sit in one spot.
Poti oti'a ekongakati enimimani.
> Walk around.
Tutimu okotana.
> Or you'll end up like me.
Ori'a ekongawa weke'a
> Always sitting in Silky Moonlight.
Kati okowitana eninope epi'a kana ekowa.
> > dale