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Re: Apostrophes

From:Barbara Barrett <barbarabarrett@...>
Date:Monday, August 19, 2002, 13:10
Hi Arthaey ;-)
Ah ha! a question of orthography!
Barbara Babbles;

Type One, I'd use a double apostrophe for contractions (thus the gap
between them represents the ommitted parts).
If used in english cann't would become cann"t

Type two, I'd use a colon for word joining with no spaces before or
after as if it were a letter in its own right. In some ancient runic
scripts it served this purpose. In english the phrase "no one" would
become no:one
OR altenative would be to use a right facing chevron as a letter showing
the first word "arrows" into the next; thus "no one" becomes no>one or
indeed two chevrons, either <> or >< or >-< or >+<, whichever you feel
represents "joining together" best.

Type three, I'd use a "riased to the power symbol" ^ for this purpose
and/or a semi-colon (which is traditionally is used to introduce and end
connected lists, which is similar to subordinate clauses in a way), eg
"nater nater ;item, item, item, item; nater nater nater" or
"nater nater ^item, item, item, item^ nater nater nater.

I think that the ^ symbol with ves^ and the colon with ;kes would look
nice, and serve your purpose well.

I'd similar ascii touble with my last script which had three puctuation
marks for contraction, possesion, and plural. I used " for contraction,
> for posession (John's skateboard would be skateboard> John, and three dots > (borrowed from ancient egyptian) to indicate plurals (regardless of > pronounciation) so I used a full stop and a colon together in ascii thus;
Ranks = rank.: books = book.: Platypi = platypus.: Just remember you've got " * ' - _ + = : ; ~ ¬ \ < > / and your own imagination to play with to recombine almost them infinitly. Barbara