Re: Latter-(day) Re: Inflecting Jesus Christ
From: | Costentin Cornomorus <elemtilas@...> |
Date: | Saturday, September 6, 2003, 17:46 |
--- Joe <joe@...> wrote:
>...> > St. Padre Pio was born in 1887; Mother
> > Theresa in 1910.
> Mother Theresa isn't a saint yet, AFAIK...
I'd thought she was recently canonised.
Samlan, isa-susansilo-war-mercumo crastandus, en! mercumes-don-crâgamando, en!
mercumes-dom-resmanstaro haccruçen-fon-Mursilbâm!
And now, the corpse lies limp, lo! even the body of strength, lo! even the body
of Mursilbâm that slew the monster!
[Erronian fragment]
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