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Re: Anthroponymy (was Re: Re: Laadan)

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Thursday, December 12, 2002, 12:17
En réponse à Mau Rauszer <maurauser@...>:

> > Plus, an interesting observation (p.93): > > "One more specific feature: when a woman gets married, she receives > > her husband's personal and family name instead of her own names. To > > distinguish the gender, they add suffix -ne, that may be added both > to > > family name (Veresne) and to full name (Veres Peterne). This custom > > appeared in Hungary in late 16th century." > > I'd like to know if it is true. Mau, Sudar Balazs, Ferko - any > > comments? > Myáni, ú qembili maya. Mí tedwiad ú. Yami, tedui renerye ud. > Yeah, that is true. But not a must-be. Myself, I won't change my name. >
Do you really mean (if I understood that correctly) that when a woman marries, she receives *both* the personal name and family name of her husband? She doesn't keep at least her personal name? Or does she receive both the personal and family name of her husband in addition to her personal name? Although I can always understand the change of family name, changing your personal name to even a feminine version of your husband's personal name strikes me as a little exaggerated!!! It looks as if when the woman marries, she becomes a nobody who doesn't even need her own name but is 100% a part of her husband... Now, I may have understood wrong. Please enlighten me! :) Christophe. Take your life as a movie: do not let anybody else play the leading role.


John Cowan <jcowan@...>