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Re: CHAT: learning to read

From:Brian Betty <bbetty@...>
Date:Thursday, June 17, 1999, 13:42
Sylvia wrote: "It's probably not entirely true, but we (his Mom & I) always
claimed we taught David (her now 16yr old son) to read by refusing to read
Calvin & Hobbes to you. He wanted to know what was funny, so he eventually
figured it out. Actually, I remember reading to him a lot."

My father claims that when I was still tiny, a little itty baby, he woke up
one morning to these weird sounds coming from my crib. He snuck in to check
I was alright and I was 'reading' an animal book. At this point, I was so
little I could barely sit up, but as he entered, I was looking at a picture
of a lion and growling. Then I turned the 'page' and there was a snake or
something, and I hissed.

He left, but a few short minutes later he heard a bang and a scream, so he
came running back. There I was, having a master temper tantrum, and the
book was on the floor outside the crib. He picked it up, and upon flipping
through it found that the last picture was a giraffe. Not knowing what
noise a giraffe makes, I apparently got pissed off and launched the book!

My mother denies all memory of this, but it's so in character for me that I
tend to believe my dad.

I have no memory of reading; in fact, my earliest memories are of reading
at the beach. There are pictures of me, still chubby with baby-fat, reading
some book with a fisherman's hat and sunglasses on. I mostly resemble those
stupid pictures where chimps are dressed up in people clothes, only with
less fur.

Ah, to be young, carefree, and hairless again.


Tomboy: "a wench that skippeth as a boy."
- Richard Verstegen, 1605

"Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo."
- H.G. Wells