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Re: Constructed maps ( CHAT)

From:Carsten Becker <carbeck@...>
Date:Friday, June 22, 2007, 20:22
On Fri, 22 Jun 2007 13:40:25 -0400, Roger Mills <rfmilly@...> wrote:

>Yes, I wrote that, and some of the following. I'll assume "Ryan Beaton" is >"Roger Mills" in Ayeri :-))))
No, that'd still be Petangye Kahandenisyan. Mr. Ryan Beaten quoted you, but either my Outlook Express or he mixed up what he wrote and what you wrote as it seems.
>Didn't write that, but I agree, mountains are difficult. The amateur way is >to use lots of inverted V V V V with appropriate shading, but it still looks >amateur. :-(((
That's what I mean. It can look neat, but it seems more like 'fumblery' (word?) fantasy than like professionally researched fiction I think.
> I've pored over professionally done maps in Atlases, and >have a vague idea how it should be done, but seem to lack the artistic >skill.
/me is looking at his school atlas and still wonders ...
>I meant a real live solid globe.
Ah, OK!
> One way would be to buy one and paint over >it (nobody seems to make blank globes, I wonder why);
Hm, don't they sell styrofoam globes of that size? Solid globes are usually just hard plastic spheres with a map glued onto them.
>some good info on Zompist about drawing the "gores" (as the curvy triangular >segments are called)-- especially the >"sinusoidal" section. I've tried this technique and it's interesting and >fun.
This is exactly how globes are made as far as I know: The gores of a sinusodial map are made relatively narrow and are then glued onto the globe. Add a socket and a bulb, too, and you've got a nice globe to put on your bookshelf ;) Heh, my firm produces maps and atlases as our "flagship" products, but unfortunately I have nothing to do with our geographers, so no chance to look over a professional's shoulder :-( Carsten


Hanuman Zhang <zhang@...>