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Re: CHAT: The Elven (or Techian) calendar

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 14, 2002, 8:10
Jan van Steenbergen wrote:
> But weeks? They don't fit within either months or years.
Roughly the time period between one phase of the moon and the next, for one (in fact, "week" and "weak" are possibly related, derived from a German root meaning "bend" or "change"; something weak is "bendable", while a week is the time it takes the moon to "change"). AFAIK, most cultures have some unit of time between a day and a month, which could be called a week, whether it's the 7-day period of modern-day Western Europe, or the 8-day period of ancient Rome, or the 6-day period of ancient Greece, or the 13-day period of the Maya (who also had a 20-day week), or the 10-day week of the far east. A month is a useful period of some purposes, but for others it's too long, while a day is too short. It occurs to me that it's a good thing that all the major religions either use the 7-day week or don't have religious significance to the week. Imagine the difficulties for someone whose holy day was every 8th day in trying to fit his religious life and his secular life! :-) Incidentally, the middle moon, the one upon which the Kassi calendar is based, has a lunar cycle of just slightly over 24 days, so that one phase to the next is about 6 days, which just happens to be their week! :-) -- "There's no such thing as 'cool'. Everyone's just a big dork or nerd, you just have to find people who are dorky the same way you are." - overheard ICQ: 18656696 AIM Screen-Name: NikTaylor42


Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>