>From: Sai Emrys <sai@...>
>Reply-To: Constructed Languages List <CONLANG@...>
>To: CONLANG@listserv.brown.edu
>Subject: Re: Anti-telic?
>Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 07:44:46 -0700
>Monsoons seem clearly telic; the have to end (for climate reasons) at
>some point. Worst you could have is a couple months of 'em.
>Repetition isn't the issue, it's when the event ends.
Ah. My apologies. (my mistake).
I thought I had read that one of the categories was "it's happened before,
and it's going to happen later, but it isn't happening now".....this isn't
the first time I misread something.
Thank you for the clarification.
have nice days.
>If you were creating some other verb meaning to-have-a-monsoon-anually....
>- Sai
>On 7/13/06, Rodlox R <rodlox@...> wrote:
>>If I may ask, would it be a form of "telic" or "gnomic" apply to events
>>as monsoons {which repeat on an annual basis} ?
>>And would it be the same whether a monsoon was presently taking