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Re: CHAT: _Describing Morphosyntax_

From:Adrian Morgan (aka Flesh-eating Dragon) <dragon@...>
Date:Saturday, August 28, 2004, 11:00
[Hi, folks -- I'm back with a new email address.]

Paul Bennett wrote:

> Pirahã lacks more things than just numerals, such as clause embedding, > relative tense, basic color terms and several other "needed" things. Thus, > I was indicating that the "neededness" of some of the things usually > considered "needed" can vary depending on the culture and ecology of the > people who speak a particular language.
Of all the things that are surprising about the Piraha~ as described, it seemed to me that one of the *least* surprising in principle was the lack of irreducible colour terms. By analogy with the fact that many languages *count* using reducible terms for numbers ('one more finger to go', etc) it wouldn't have surprised me much if there had been *various* languages in which all colour names were reducible terms, too. I might check out the book that this thread is about - after all, I bought _A Practical Introduction to Phonetics_ based on accumulated recommendations from the list, and didn't regret that. Adrian. P.S. An apology in advance to those in a technical capacity wrt the list - inevitably I will sometimes forget to switch my "From" address from the default (which is supposed to remain spam-free) to the one I've subscribed with, causing unnecessary traffic on the server. Sorry.