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Re: CHAT: _Describing Morphosyntax_

From:Mark Reed <markjreed@...>
Date:Sunday, August 29, 2004, 20:23
I haven't read _Describing_Morphosyntax_, but I can easily believe
that it's dry; I mean, it's a dry title.  It is certainly possible to
convey material that is deeply technical and still be entertaining at
the same time; an inability to wade through thick technical texts does
not automatically mean that the reader is unsuited for the material.

Context is also important.  When diving right into a subject you don't
have some grounding in, you probably want to start with something a
bit lighter, and only then dig in to the drier texts.
I think popular treatments like Pinker's _Word's_and_Rules_ make a
good jumping off poiint for folks who are new to linguistics.


Paul Bennett <paul-bennett@...>