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Re: CHAT: _Describing Morphosyntax_

From:Isaac A. Penzev <isaacp@...>
Date:Monday, August 30, 2004, 19:04
Amanda Babcock jazdy:

> Well, that depends on one's learning style, really. I personally > can't take one of his examples into my brain unless I slow down and > actually pronounce it. Otherwise my eyes just tend to skip over > all the pretty symbols in their mad rush to read further.
Hehe. So do I - while reading some exotic stuff in examples/illustrations in any linguistic book I try to pronounce the string at least in the way I understand the symbols are usually/stereotypicly pronounced, even if it can be not very precise. Anyway, most data are written in IPA or a similar conventional system, so I don't think I say gibberish by doing so. Y.


Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>