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Tokana dictionary

From:Matt Pearson <jmpearson@...>
Date:Friday, September 24, 1999, 18:19
This may sound like a strange request, but...

Is there anyone out there who happens to have a copy of my
Tokana-to-English glossary on disk?  I seem to remember that
I've sent electronic copies of my Tokana stuff to at least a
couple of you.  If anybody has the glossary on disk, could you
please email it to me as an attachment, at the email address
below?  Thanks!

The reason why I want a "soft" copy rather than a hard
copy is so that I can stick it on my hard drive and use the Find
function in Word to locate English words in the text (and no,
unfortunately I don't have access to a scanner, so I can't
scan in a hardcopy).  I lost my own "soft" copy when my
old computer died, and although my boyfriend managed to
save most of the files from the hard drive onto disks, these
disks seem to have mysteriously disappeared.  It's
a l-o-n-g story...
