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Re: USAGE: pronouncing "l", "needs washed"

From:Fabian <rhialto@...>
Date:Wednesday, December 8, 1999, 19:05
> > FWIW, as an English speaker (capital E), I have the following vowel rymes: > > walk has the same vowel as board, caught and fore > wok has the same vowel as hot, flop and gone > > Lars, And or Fabian (having heard me in person) - Can you tell me the
> for each of those sounds?
/wo:k/ /bo:d/ /ko:t/ /fo:/ /wok/ /hot/ /flop/ /go~n/ In my idiotlect of English, $B<+A3$K (B (^_^) --- Fabian Ikun li dik il-kitba tpatti it-tieba ta' qalb ta' patruni tieghi. Ikun li ttaffi ugigh tal-Mitlufin u tal-Indannati. Ikun li ilkoll li jaqraw il-kitba, qalbhom ihobbu is-Sewwa u l-Unur. U b'dak l'ghamil, nithallas tax-xoghol iebes.