> a)
> > The pages yellowed.
> I think `yellowed' is a valid word, but not the past tense of a verb. That
> sentence sounds wrong, but `the pages were/had yellowed' is fine, at least
> to me.
But I've heard of old newspapers yellowing away in a corner.
> d)
> > I'll black the answers out. Then you can look.
> The verb in that sentence is `to black out', not `to black'.
But I've heard of "Dickens' actor who blacked himself all over to play
Othello" - D. Parker.
> Why? Navajo and Apache speakers have been writing in their tongue for a
> century, the same length of time as Esperanto speakers. The literature
> of over a million people, self-selected for their interest in language,
> can surely be compared to that a quarter million (50 thousand for the
> Apache) people.
Got to agree with this.