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Re: Lexeme Request: Water and Fire

From:Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...>
Date:Sunday, May 29, 2005, 8:41
On May 28, 2005, at 4:16 AM, mike poxon wrote:
> Omeina:
> Large fire, forest fire, fire that inspires awe: Arauro
> Mike
Cool! "Arauro" seems reminiscent of my Rokbeigalmki word for "wildfire": _urõõru_ /u4u\::4u/ (from _ur_ 'flame' or 'purposeful fire'. It's one of Rokbeigalmki's palindromic words for large and powerful natural forces, similar to _galãlag_ /gala::lag/ "tsunami", from _gal_ "wave" So, for the Lexeme Request: ROKBEIGALMKI: (these are the basic 'elemental' terms) water = dwi /d(@)wi/ fire = zek /zEk/ -Stephen (Steg) 'the creator thought that one language would be enough, but Raven thought differently, and made many.' ~ the bella coola, according to hyde (thanks hanuman! ;) )


mike poxon <m.poxon@...>