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Re: conlang classification and productivity

From:And Rosta <a.rosta@...>
Date:Saturday, February 10, 2001, 19:26
Dan (Jones):
> I've been thinking about all the systems of classification proposed for > conlangs, but not one of them takes into account that a conlang is generally > a work in progress.
The one I posted about a week ago did.
> I propose a system whereby you can tell how *developed* > a conlang is, i.e. how much work has been done on it. This is done by > assigning a "score" to each of four categories, which were chosen as being > the "integral parts" of most conlangs: Lexicon, Grammar, Texts and > Conculture (Legratec system! I love acronyms...).
This should have a Phonology element added. Livagian would be P4.9, L0.0001, G4, T0.0000000001, C2. A phlegratec score of c. 11/25, 44%. I find the scheme lacking in several ways: * It doesn't take into account how elaborate the completed conlang would be. * It doesn't distinguish invention from documentation. * It doesn't take into account how ab initio, a priori, the different aspects of the conlang are, or more generally how much work is involved in inventing and documenting this aspect of the conlang. I'd suggest revising the system to: (a) a notional absolute reckoning of the elaborateness of each of P, L, G, T, C (in their completed forms). (b) a percentage for the extent to which each of P, L, G, T, C are borrowed/derived from, modelled on, prior sources. (c) a percentage for how much each of P, L, G, T, C has been created. (d) a percentage for how much each of P, L, G, T, C has been documented. -- not a very practical scheme, but a more informative one. --And.