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Re: Metrical Stress, Feet, etc.

From:Shreyas Sampat <shreyas@...>
Date:Friday, February 6, 2004, 14:53
Thomas R. Wier wrote:

>Oh really. What do you say about opacity? Do you favor Sympathy >Theory, or Comparative Markedness, or Targeted Constraints? All >of these attempts to answer this problem have been incredibly >convoluted. > >Don't get me wrong: I like the idea of a two-level mapping of input >and ouput. It's just that no one has yet been able to come up with >a way to do that. If you're going for OT, Stratal OT is probably >your best bet. > >
Output-output Faithfulness. I agree, all those other things you named are ugly variations of the theory. The OO-F ideas are still a little up in the air, but they're dramatically more elegant than any of those other strategies, and I've actually seen Burzio's brand work in cases of weird English stressing, etc. (It has some other issues, but I'm persuaded that it works as a proof that one can use OT as-is, without any of the strange evaluative machinery of TCs or Sympathy, provided one has sufficiently clever constraints.) -- Sometimes, I stick my hand in a box full of spiders to remind myself that I can do anything. Shreyas