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Re: Metrical Stress, Feet, etc.

From:Joe <joe@...>
Date:Monday, February 9, 2004, 16:42
Tristan McLeay wrote:

>On Mon, 9 Feb 2004, Mark J. Reed wrote: > > > >>On Mon, Feb 09, 2004 at 10:24:05AM -0500, Mark J. Reed wrote: >> >> >>>Similarly, "realized", "supposed", and "merely" are two syllables >>> >>> >>My mistake - "realized" is three syllables, although pronounced as two >>in some dialects (mine included, obviously). >> >> > >I'm not sure I get that. Isn't it more accurate to say it's two syllables >in your dialect, but three in others? If it's pronounced as two, I've >always understood that it is two. In English at least. (dia/lect, >rea/lised, in/terest are all two syllables for me, as is ta/le) > > >
Indeed. In my ideolect, I have both [rI:lAjzd] and [rij@lAjzd]. Same with 'merely' [mI:li:] and [mij@li:].
>-- >Tristan > > > >