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Re: Metrical Stress, Feet, etc.

From:Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Date:Monday, February 9, 2004, 16:32
MJR> My mistake - "realized" is three syllables, although pronounced as two
MJR> in some dialects (mine included, obviously).

TM> I'm not sure I get that. Isn't it more accurate to say it's two syllables
TM> in your dialect, but three in others?

Yes, except that English words have an official syllabification which is
used as the guide for breaking words across line boundaries in formal
writing.  If I were writing a paper, I could legally break it up as "re-
alized" even though I don't pronounce it that way.

> (dia/lect, rea/lised, in/terest are all two syllables for me, as is ta/le)
YAEPT alert. :) I've never heard "dialect" as two syllables, although "interest" is two for me as well. 'Round these here parts, I would say that "tale" has about 1.5 syllables, being neither quite [tej:l] nor ['tej@l] but somewhere in between. -Mark


Tristan McLeay <zsau@...>