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Re: Classic, Normal, and Vulgar Lingo

From:Ed Heil <edheil@...>
Date:Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 22:21
raccoon@ELKNET.NET wrote:
> What's Rhomaika? It looks to me like it should mean Roman, but I know
> not right, since the historians were complaining about incorrect Greek.
It does mean "Roman" -- remember, the most populous and longest lasting part of the Roman Empire spoke Greek, and so the Greek-speaking Mediterranean world called themselves "Romans" long after we think of the Roman Empire (the Latin-speaking Roman Empire) as having "fallen" to the barbarians. It's a very modern thing for Greeks to call themselves "Hellenes" instead of "Romans" again. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- "Bill Gates is a white Persian cat and a monocle away from becoming another James Bond villain. 'No Mr Bond, I expect you to upgrade.'" --Dennis Miller ---------------------------------------------------------------------