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Re: Weekly Vocab 9

From:Mike Ellis <nihilsum@...>
Date:Monday, May 26, 2003, 22:04
Oddly, this tough one didn't require as many new words as some of the
simpler ones have. It did take a while though.

Mair yarjukom orpadad: 2519 orpe
Sonra yarjukom orpadad: 2532 orpe

>1. to bequeath
>My father bequeathed me an education.
Yai toc'et yant murz'diban k'ölkudais'. my father me-DAT education-ACC bequeath-3SG:PAST
>2. pittance
yaryuf (also "charity", but any bigger would be |simpona|)
>He also left me a pittance: (insert proper sum in proper currency/rodent
parts here). Storok lerekin e yaryuf s'ki kudais'. hundred lereks-ACC APPOS pittance(-ACC) also give-3SG:PAST
>3. to usurp / steal / connive to get
pakvarak ("usurp", take over) zoriz'ak (steal) fkuta sacek (steal and make off with, grab and take off) ezagmanak (swindle out of, defraud) *Which one of these happens in the story?
>My brother usurped my estates.
Yai frat yaar zdedjiad ezagmanais'. my brother me-GEN estate(-ACC) "usurp"-3SG:PAST
>4. stable
>I am forced to sleep in the stable.
I wolkandom nümek fadim. in stable-INST sleep-INF must-1SG
>5. horse (or conculturally appropriate beast of burden)
>He [my brother] values the horses more than me.
Dla yant g'asie üplosit ik'trom kudas'. than me-DAT more-ADV horses-DAT respect(-ACC) give-3SG
>6. worth
>Technically, humans aren't worth anything, but a horse is worth a good
deal. Nap toc'iksoim inimi bez s'enasa, ak' üplosom dag' s'enas anc'e. by literal-INST humans without value-GEN , but horse-INST much value exist:3SG
>7. to run away
zoorek fkuta sacek (less formal, "take off with")
>Perhaps I'll run away with his prized stallion.
C'ekre du tai s'enasec' rhumac'ik fkuta sacirmi. perhaps THAT his valuable stallion(-ACC) take-off-with v-1SG:FUT
>8. courage
>I lack courage, though, or constance, so I will relinquish my plans.
Ak' k'rab örem, ki stojic'yok s'ki, rhu hatukin dantenirma. but courage(-ACC) lack-1SG , and perseverence(-ACC) also , so plans-ACC abandon-1SG:FUT
>9. to suffer
>I shall continue to suffer under my brother's culpable disinterest.
Nap yai frata mudnic' rurok'bam doznak raatrirma. by my brother-GEN blameworthy neglect-INST suffer-INF continue-1SG:FUT
>10. depressed
>I'm so depressed.
Anbulecec'igim. M