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Conscripts (was Re: Moi, le Kou)

From:Yoon Ha Lee <yl112@...>
Date:Saturday, January 13, 2001, 2:38
-----Original Message-----
From: Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...>
Date: Saturday, January 13, 2001 5:38 AM
Subject: Re: Moi, le Kou (was: verbs = nouns?)

>My main conlang, Rokbeigalmki, has way too many writing styles. >You can see a few of them at the old webpage (i've been working on a new >one for about a year now, haven't gotten far) > >There's the Original Ziifer script made for my and my brother's conlang >ool-Nuziiferoi, which i then took (with the rest of it's aborted remains) >and built Rokbeigalmki on. Internal-historically it was designed for >writing with styluses on clay tablets. A more angular version of it >(think diamonds instead of circles) was also used for carving in stone.
[snip] Wow! I think the first alphabet that comes up on the page has a very "carved" look to it; how did you do it? :-)
>After that on the webpage are just Latin and Hebrew transliteration >systems. I have never really used the Hebrew one, i much prefer the >Cyrillic system. I tried to come up with an Arabic system in a boring >class this past semester, but not having experience with Urdu, Turkish, >Farsi, etc. ways of "extending" the alphabet i stopped.
Unfortunately I only have a book on modern Turkish, which uses the Roman alphabet, and then some.
>And of course there's also calligraphy! >The Rokbeigalmki alphabet was used for calligraphy even before >Rokbeigalmki existed, and you can see an example at > >The letters of each word are connected, and words are connected by just >physical proximity even though they don't have joining lines. This >example is actually breaking some of the rules. > >There's also an ideographic (actually morphemograph?) system, created for >my anthropology class the semester before this past one, found at >
Neat! Did you right that on computer paper? =^) (I'm looking at the holes...) It looks very mysterious, like something you'd find inscribed on a tomb or cenotaph somewhere and have to decipher.
>When i make scribbles in my notepad now it's usually a mixture of all >different kinds of scripts, which i, at least, think looks cool.
I doodled many a math lecture away practicing my conscript--only one, but I figured I should memorize it before going on to something else.
>And of course there's my newest conlang, the romance one Jûdajca, which >can be written in Latin or in Hebrew letters. I like writing that one >boustrophedon style, with alternating lines of alternating scripts.
<G> Some kinds of boustrophedon would give me a headache trying to figure out orientations, especially in alphabets where some letters are mirror images or rotations of each other. Korean's especially bad in that respect; I sometimes read vowels wrong because they're rotations/reflections/inversions/aiee! YHL