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Re: A Language built around a novel grammar

Date:Sunday, November 12, 2006, 0:19
li [Weld Carter, Jr.] mi tulis la

> Has anyone here done or seen work on a language relying on a grammar > that does not require the noun/verb distinction? Though this may > sound preposterous, I know of at least a few Native-American tongues > that function that way. One member of such a speech community got > reported to my colleague, Andy as saying, “I can speak all day > without using a single noun.”
In Sasxsek, verb and nouns have identical forms. The lack of distinction is intentionally there to blur the lines between noun and verb. This made it possible to link verbs just as if they were objects of the preceding verb. ------------------------------ deinx nxtxr / Dana Nutter LI SASXSEK LATIS.


Eric Christopherson <rakko@...>