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Weekly vocab. #6 in Kash, part 2

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Monday, May 5, 2003, 20:49
4. murder pakran 'kill (violence implied)'
They did that to me, saying I murdered someone.
sañ me imepu, ikota re mapakran kaçin
thus me/dat they-do, they-say that I-kill person-acc

5. to release rumbpefa caus. of pefa 'free, loose'
They released me because the judge is my uncle
me irumbefa ombi temandri omer yale mambramami
me/dat they-release because chief-priest law is FaBr-my

man 'me/acc' would probably be more correct here, since there is an actual
change of state, but Kash speakers frequently get this confused.
Legal matters are the domain of the priesthood; old military courts might
have been another matter.
Possible also: mambrinde uncle (MoBr)

6. feud amengat 'dispute'
Now there is a feud between my family and the army
tanju yale amengat haveyimi yam añaçaramilan
now is  dispute family-gen-my with army(pl)-acc

7. sheep NOT.  lopa a similar animal
They raid our sheep in the night
ihonder-nanjul lopalambim anju ondre
they-attack-steal lopa-pl-acc-our when night

8. poverty andeçe < leçe 'poor', rundeçe caus. vb.
They shall soon reduce us to poverty
cumicu min irundeçeto
soon us/acc. they-cause to be poor-fut.

OR cumicu mile cakaleçe ombi alo nili
   soon we/dat overcome-by-poverty because from them/gen.

9. vengeance  hmmm.
We are taking vengeance, though
mowa mimanjito traleleñi
but we-answer-fut evil-their

10. funding toyeç pl. of toye 'money'
We have convinced the ruler to cut......
karune mende mirungono lire anjayi yarumbimik....
duke/dat PERF we-convince w.r.t. ought he-reduce....

funding to the army. Now they too shall be forced to poverty.
toyeç uçoñi añaçaramili.  tanju nile eme cakaleçe
money-pl use-of army(pl)-gen.  Now they/dat. also
