R A Brown writes:
> As the Septuagint did still did use the optative to show desideration,
> I do think it is important to note that we have _imperative_ in
> Genesis 1:3. Of course, this has no _direct_ relevance on translating
> "fiat lingua"; it is relevant only if one thinks it echo's the
> Judaeo-Christian "Fiat lux."
I thought this was the intention!? Why would I translate 'fiat
lingua' instead of 'let a language be made' if not to echo that Bible
I am confused and have probably missed something.
Anyway, for selection whatever was intended:
In Þrjótrun:
To echo 'fiat lux' of Genesis 1:3: Sjá lyng.
Lit.: 'Let there be (a) language.'
To translate '(let) (a) language be made': Sjá þakt lyng.
(This would then not be felt to mimic
Genesis 1:3.)