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Re: A prioi vs. A posteriori ?

From:Mau Rauszer <maurauser@...>
Date:Friday, January 31, 2003, 6:25
Greg Williams  <funkymonkey1148@...> 2003.01.30. 21:43:25 -5h-kor írta:

> Question: > > Have any of yall created an 'a priori' language with a lot of 'a posteriori' > vocabulary (i.e., with a lot of the lexicon from natlangs) or the reverse > (an 'a posteriori' language with a lot of 'a priori' vocabulary)? >
Oh I always do this. i often adopt words from other languages, but usually not with their original meaning [thus landed narqelyon "charm, spell" [nArkEl_jon] and líte "noon" in Long Wer from Quenya narquelion, líte; noq "mouse, rat" from Latin nox "night" kalí "fear" from an Indian goddess and a lot of Middle Egyptian vocabulary.] -- Mau