>Apropos of Klingon, I saw that Diane Duane had wanted to do a Romulan
>(Rhihansu? sp?) language book but Paramount made it clear that Klingon
>wasn't that much of a money maker and they weren't interested in any other
>language works (I read this on Duane's personal web site). A few weeks ago
>I happened across writers' guidelines for Pocket Books' Star Trek novels,
>and they said categorically that they would not accept any new language
>proposals, glossaries, dictionaries, etc.
>Too bad!
>I half hoped somebody would convince them to do a Vulcan loglang that was
>"logical" and easy to learn. Klingon is so hard to learn (and rightfully
>so, given the dramatic function it was meant to fulfill) that I'd love to
>see the deep pockets of Paramount promoting an easy-to-use loglang.
>Anything to get Americans learning some other language.
>Ah, well, maybe in the Mirror Universe...
>Best regards,
>Jeffrey Henning
http://www.LangMaker.com/ - Invent Your Own Language
>"If Bill Gates had a nickel for every time Windows crashed.... Oh, wait, he