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Re: (Offlist) Re: ASCII IPA

From:bnathyuw <bnathyuw@...>
Date:Friday, August 23, 2002, 9:19
 --- Philip Newton <Philip.Newton@...> wrote: > On
20 Aug 02, at 1:44, Roger Mills wrote:
> > > >/O:/ bOARd ditto, though /O/ may occur in "bawd. > laud, cough" and past > > tense forms like "pawed"; I am not sure. > > Yes; for me, "board" and "bawd", "lord" and "laud", > "pored" and "pawed" > (but not "poured", unless I slip) rhyme.
i clearly slip : /O:/ every time. "cough" has
> /Q/, though (or > whatever the RP vowel in "drop, spot, off" is).
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