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Devastating News

From:David Peterson <digitalscream@...>
Date:Thursday, January 31, 2002, 6:12
    My class on language creation was supposed to have started a week from
today, but it looks like it's not going to come to be.
    Before the end of last semester, I met with my sponsoring professor and
gave her the papers to sign and file.  Over the break I continued putting
together my reader.  A week before the semester started, I e-mailed her
asking when I could meet with her.  By the time I'd gotten back to Berkeley,
she still hadn't replied, so I sent her another e-mail.  I went to the
English department (she's an English professor) and asked if they had the
professor's office hours up yet, but they didn't.  On the off chance, I
dropped by her office during her old office hours, but she wasn't there.  I
left her a note, asking her to e-mail me: nothing.  I e-mailed her again:
nothing.  Thinking maybe she had just filed the papers and not told me, I
went to the office in charge of all the student-run classes, and they'd
received nothing.  And so, here it is, Wednesday, and there's one week until
what was supposed to be the first day of class, and it looks like it's not
going to happen.  I e-mailed her again, but I don't expect a response--at
least, not until after the class was supposed to start, at which time I'm
sure she'll e-mail me with her regrets, since there will be no possibility of
it starting up again this semester.  Needless to say, I'm deeply
disappointed.  I'd like to apologize to everyone who was expecting a reader.
It's on my computer, but I'm not going to print it.
    On a positive note, this isn't my last semester at Cal.  I have two more
chances to get the class going, and this time I'll have a completed reader to
show the sponsoring professor, rather than the promise of constructing one.
Again, I'm sorry to all.  I have patience, though.


"Zi hiwejnat zodZaraDatsi pat Zi mirejsat dZaCajani sUlo."
"The future's uncertain and the end is always near."
                --Jim Morrison


Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>